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Touch-centric, Tile-based user interface (UI)

Although Windows 8 might look and feel like a "user experience" new animation layering Microsoft actually enabled a new user interface (UI) on the 'only slightly updated Windows 7.

Windows 8 Start Menu can be customized through mosaic tiles, which are different from the traditional desktop icon, which allows you to view real-time information from the Windows 8 Metro-style applications without actually accessing the application.

In demoing the tile-based UI construction conference last week, Microsoft showed how a piece of a Windows 8 app is able to display the current temperature in the city - along with the temperature expected during the next two days - without the need to open the application. A tile for Windows Live Mail will display your last message, while cards for social networking applications will show a notification.

    "The [Metro] application in full screen. 'M Raja beautiful.They' designed for touch, but, of course, great job with the mouse and keyboard, and if that is what you have we want. To make it really pretty fast for you to switch from one to the other, "according to Jensen Harris, lead program manager on the Microsoft Office User Experience ..

Windows 8 users can also access to Windows 7 applications. "Anything that runs on Windows 7 runs on Windows 8," maintained Steven Sinofsky, president of Microsoft's Windows division and indows directly, in a speech at the Build conference. However, to access applications in Windows 7, you should switch to a different user interfaces built-in.
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